Mayfield Road Corridor Multimodal Plan

Mayfield Road Corridor Multimodal Plan South Euclid, Lyndhurst and Mayfield Heights, Ohio

Services Provided

Multimodal Planning
Streetscape Design
Public Engagement

Improving a connective corridor with transportation and land use enhancements that will promote health, wellness, and livability.

The goal of the Hillcrest Regional Multimodal Transportation Planning Initiative, funded through the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency's (NOACA) Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative, is to create a unified vision for the future of the Mayfield Road corridor in the cities of South Euclid, Lyndhurst, and Mayfield Heights, Ohio.

The plan will present recommendations for incremental and long-term improvements aimed at enhancing safety and connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit, including unique streetscape and placemaking elements.


MKSK is leading a multidiscipline team through the planning and community engagement process. The planning process aligns with the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency's (NOACA) Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative objectives to:

Develop transportation projects that provide more travel options through complete streets and context sensitive solutions, increasing user safety and supporting positive public health impacts.

Promote reinvestment in underutilized or vacant/abandoned properties through development concepts supported by multimodal transportation systems.

Support economic development through place-based transportation and land use recommendations.

Ensure that the benefits of growth and change are available to all members of a community by integrating principles of accessibility and environmental justice into projects.

Enhance regional cohesion by supporting collaboration between regional and community partners.

Provide people with safe and reliable transportation choices that enhance their quality of life.

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