Tulsa Arena District Master Plan Tulsa, Oklahoma
Services Provided
Mixed Use District Planning
Urban Design
Community & Stakeholder Engagement
People Involved
Chris Hermann
Jeffrey Pongonis
Andrew Overbeck
Tyler Clark
Luis Calvo
Plan Document
Transforming a downtown’s entertainment district into a world-class neighborhood
The Tulsa Arena District Master Plan is a 20-year vision to transform downtown Tulsa’s entertainment district into a dynamic downtown neighborhood by focusing public and private investment to leverage its signature attractions of the BOK Center, Cox Business Center, and City-County Library, which attract more than 1.8 million visitors a year. The master planning process assessed the current state of the district, evaluated the potential of public infrastructure investments, identified opportunities for private development, and provided a phased roadmap to guide the City and its partners in developing improvements.
MKSK led a multidisciplinary team of experts in architecture, engineering, market analysis, placemaking and identity. Working with the City of Tulsa, a Steering Committee, project stakeholders representing a spectrum of interests and organizations and members of the Tulsa community, the team developed a vision for the future of the Arena District.
The Master Plan sets forth a market-based vision for the Arena District that complements the major attractions in the district with mixed-use infill development, dynamic public plaza and park spaces, and short-term activations. This new 18-hour neighborhood will serve visitors, residents, and employees and act as a new, welcoming gateway into Downtown Tulsa.
Track the implementation progress of the plan recommendations, on the city’s website.
The planning process engaged the Tulsa community using various platforms, including online and in-person methods of interaction, with hundreds of citizens providing feedback and ideas. The plan reflects a shared vision for the district that encapsulates the community wants and needs.
The Master Plan vision proposes a series of strategic public investments in building great downtown streets, transforming existing spaces into a series of signature parks and plazas, and repurposing the outmoded civic center through a series of catalytic public-private development opportunities.
Today, Tulsans have a chance to remake the Arena District and make it more a part of the community’s identity. The Master Plan presents a framework of catalytic investment recommendations and funding strategies to achieve the vision, and to help guide the City of Tulsa and its partners in developing improvements to the district’s public realm and incentivizing private development.